In this list you can find a summary of the kind of services we will offer:

  • 1_Provision of cultured nematodes
  • 2_Sampling of benthic fauna (nematodes and other species) from the southern bight of the North Sea and Western scheldt Estuary
  • 3_Experimental facilities focusing on sediment ecology
  • 4_Nematode barcoding
  • 5_Microbiome analyses meiofauna/macroalgae extract
  • 6_Analysis of pigments
  • 7_Analysis of nutrients
  • 8_Fatty acid profiling
  • 9_Analysis of sediment composition (granulometry)
  • 10_Development of online training sessions
  • 11_Identification of marine organisms (algae, nematodes, copepods, others)
  • 12_Provision of cultured macroalgae
  • 13_Access to experimental facilities focusing on algae
  • 14_NGS analyses: RNA seq, whole genome sequencing, amplicon sequencing
  • 15_Fatty acids analyses for aquaculture (feed) applications
  • 16_ZebraBox - behavoural tracking system (larvae, copepods, life feed)
  • 17_Microplastics analyses (FTIR microscopy)
  • 18_Access to experimental facilities focusing on microalgae
  • 19_Molecular analyses focusing on microalgae

Our full service catalogue is still under construction, but in the mean time you can already contact with any potential requests.